Sunday, 15 June 2008

My Family and Children's Health

Being a mother, and a nurse, I am aware of the importance of my children's health. I am always making sure that my family eat healthy and balanced diet, have adequate physical activities daily, and secured emotional and mental environment. I believe in the saying that goes "every ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure". When my kids were borne, I brought them to every appointment with their pediatrician, let them have every vaccine necessary, and took their Doctor's advice diligently. I could not take any risk when it comes to my children's health. They say that mothers know best, but I say, I agree but, with someones professional guidance, it couldn't be better.
I became a mom at a young age of twenty two, but it didn't hinder me to become a better, responsible, cautious, and meticulous mother. And over ten years now, I still am learning. I read books about children's and family health, be vigilant about any problems, such as infections and diseases. We do not have to be ill to see our doctors. Regular health check ups and screenings are as important as anything else. I was just watching this video Dr. Paul Offit from Youtube and I could not fault any of his words.
I am aware, being a nurse working in the Intensive Care, that research and developments on health practices are done and published frequently, therefore, the information we need are so accessible nowadays. Yet, I am also aware, that there are still health myths existing around. We need to educate ourselves and be open to change, especially if it is scientifically proven.

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