A Holy man was having a conversation with the Lord one day and said, 'Lord, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like.
The Lord led the holy man to two doors. He opened one of the doors and the holy man looked in.
In the middle of the room was a large round table.. In the middle of the table was a large pot of stew, which smelled delicious and made the holy man's mouth water.
The people sitting around the table were thin and sickly. They appeared to be famished. They were holding spoons with very long handles that were strapped to their arms and each found it possible to reach into the pot of stew and take a spoonful. But because the handle was longer than their arms, they could not get the spoons back into their mouths. The holy man shuddered at the sight of their misery and suffering. The Lord said, 'You have seen Hell.
They went to the next room and opened the door. It was exactly the same as the first one. There was the large round table with the large pot of stew which made the holy man's mouth water. The people were equipped with the same long-handled spoons, but here the people were well nourished and plump, laughing and talking.
The holy man said, 'I don't understand. 'It is simple,' said the Lord. It requires but one skill...
You see, they have learned to feed each other. The greedy think only of themselves.'
When Jesus died on the cross, He was thinking of you.
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Monday, 11 October 2010
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone
I came across this little story or parable in a book and I would
like to share it with you today.
One afternoon a shopper at the local mall felt the need
for a coffee break. She bought herself a little bag of
cookies and put them in her shopping bag. She then got in
line for coffee, found a place to sit at one of the
crowded tables, and then taking the lid off her coffee and
taking out a magazine she began to sip her coffee and
read. Across the table from her a man sat reading a
After a minute or two she reached out and took a cookie.
As she did, the man seated across the table reached out
and took one too. This put her off, but she did not say
A few moments later she took another cookie. Once again
the man did so too. Now she was getting a bit upset, but
still she did not say anything.
After having a couple of sips of coffee she once again
took another cookie. So did the man. She was really
upset by this - especially since now only one cookie was
left. Apparently the man also realized that only one
cookie was left. Before she could say anything he took
it, broke it in half, offered half to her, and proceeded
to eat the other half himself. Then he smiled at her and,
putting the paper under his arm, rose and walked off.
Was she steamed. Her coffee break ruined, already
thinking ahead of how she would tell this offense to her
family, she folded her magazine, opened her shopping bag,
and there discovered her own unopened bag of cookies.
I like that story - it makes me think about how well God treats
me even when I am not treating him well or thinking all that
kindly about him.
It also makes me think about how, sometimes, I do not really
appreciate what I have or act like I know where it has come from.
It serves as a kind of reminder to me - like that reminder in
today's old testament reading.
There, Moses, after telling the people of Israel how they will
prosper in the promised land that they are about to enter, how,
after so many years of slavery and then of wandering in the
wilderness, they will eat their fill, and have fine houses and
large herds, and that their silver and gold will multiply, says:
Do not say to yourself, "my power and the might of my own
hand have gotten me this wealth." But remember the Lord
you God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth,
so that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your
ancestors, and as he swearing to you today."
Chapter eight of Deuteronomy is really one of my favourite
chapters of the Old Testament.
It speaks so well of what we all know somewhere in our hearts,
but often seem to forget in our actions and our attitudes.
It speaks of how everything we have is a gift from God,
a git worked upon by our hands, most certainly;
a gift perhaps even enhanced by our own strength,
but a gift none-the -less,
for God gives us the hands we need,
and God gives us the strength we have.
Would that I would remember this at all times - it would make my
life so much easier, and it would bless everyone around me, and
it would bless God..
Not so long ago famous people all over the world were polled by a
magazine which asked them the question - "if you could be granted
one wish that will come true right now - what would that be?"
There were some very interesting responses - but one response
impressed the magazine's editors so much that they commented on.
That response was this -
I wish that I could be given an even
greater ability to appreciate all
that I already have."
It is an interesting answer
an interesting thing to wish for.
What do you think would happen if each one of us suddenly became
a more thankful person? If all of us suddenly became a more
appreciative people?
I don't know what comes to your minds -
but I know for sure that when I was younger my mother would
have been really pleased;
and now that I am older - well I know that my wife would
be very happy
if I expressed my appreciation a little bit more than I already
do - I know that because she tells me so whenever I am apparently
forgetting who she is and what she does.
No one likes to be taken for granted - or to see someone that
they love taking things for granted.
All of us like to be appreciated,
all of us like to be thanked,
and all of us, I believe, like to see those we love
live thankful lives, appreciative lives,
so much so that we teach our children this virtue
- at our supper tables,
- during birthday parties,
- in the middle of visits from their grandparents,
- and just about anytime that they are receiving something
from someone or asking someone for something.
It is a great thing to teach our kids to say please and thank
you, it helps them out in this world,
and it is a great thing to be appreciated, to be thanked;
but as we think with holy and prayerful minds today -
as we thank God in our worship service for the harvest
we are all enjoying,
I ask you - as I ask myself - where is your sense of thankfulness
at? How complete is it? How deep does it run in your life?
I Thessalonians, chapter five, verse eighteen says
"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the
will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
and in Ephesians, chapter five, where Paul is telling
new Christians how they should live, it says:
"Give thanks to God the Father at all times and for
everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
The norm and the standard of the early church of the disciples
and the apostles was really incredible and it had incredible
results in the lives of those disciples and apostles, and in the
lives of all those around them.
They lived happy and triumphant lives,
they rejoiced even when they were being afflicted and persecuted,
and their fellowship continually grew until it reached the ends
of the earth.
Give thanks in all circumstances.
Give thanks for everything.
Give thanks at all times.
This is a step beyond remembering God and thanking God for all
the wealth that we enjoy in this our promised land.
This is a step beyond remembering God and obeying his commands
because he has given us fine houses and filled our bellies.
This is even a step beyond thanking God,
as the leper thanked God,
for healing him through Jesus of his disease.
This is what Charlene called at recent workshop - "thanks -
living" - and it is demanding - and it is rewarding.
I say it is demanding - because quite frankly when I am feeling
pressed to wall I find it difficult to fulfil the word that says:
"Do not worry about anything, but in everything by
prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your
requests be made known to God."
And when I am feeling struck down by some affliction
or angry at my children for doing something that seems to me to
be thoughtless;
or upset at my dog for his having escaped out the door in the
morning and run off to the school;
I have difficulty feeling grateful to God for the circumstances I
am in.
Instead of wanting to praise God - or to pray to him about the
situation with thanksgiving,
- I want to feel sorry for myself and the trouble I am in -
- I want to yell at the kids for being whatever kids are when
they are thoughtless
- and I want to throttle the dog, because I know darn well
that when Laddie escapes and runs off to school he is not
going to come back home any smarter than he was before.
How about you?
Do you have a faith that is thankful in everything?
It's something to think about
especially it is something to think about when you consider the
power of thanksgiving
and of how not only are we blessed or rewarded for it,
but so is God and all those around us.
Raising foster kids has provided some interesting experiences in
this regard -
many of the kids that have come to us are desperate for some kind
of affirmation and love -
they feel lost and alone and attempt to please us as a way of
securing their place in our midst.
It is beautiful to watch the transformation that comes over their
faces when we thank them for something as simple as clearing the
dishes or when we praise them for something as normal as being
kind to the neighbours' children.
They beam, they radiate, they light up the room - and we
- who may have simply praised them because it is the smart
thing to do, or thanked them because it is the right thing to
suddenly feel one hundred percent better than we did before,
better about them,
better about ourselves,
and better about the world in general.
Giving thanks blesses the person who is thanked and it transforms
the person who gives thanks.
It works the same way everywhere, with everyone, even with God --
when we remember..
When we forget - hard things get harder.
When we allow the situation we are in to swallow us up and to
swallow all thought of God's power and goodness up;
When we begin to think we have earned and deserve all the
good things we have,
and when we forget that God is able to help us in the
midst of all the bad things that occur,
well - life becomes bleaker,
and true virtue becomes harder to find.
God wants us to celebrate his love. God wants us to give thanks
in everything.
God doesn't want this because he is greedy for praise,
the Lord doesn't want it so that he will feel better about
he wants it because it will bless us
and because it will bless the world he has made.
He wants us to remember what He has done
- so that we will not be afraid when we are in need of help,
and so that we will not grow arrogant or rude when we are
He wants us to remember and give thanks to him, and to those
around us
- so that our lives will be full of light and hope
and so our actions full of tenderness and love.
As the psalmist declares - "It is good to give thanks to the
LORD, to sing praises to his name"
Praise be unto God and thanksgiving for his many blessings -
copyright - Rev. Richard J. Fairchild 1996 - 2005
please acknowledge the appropriate author if citing these sermons.
like to share it with you today.
One afternoon a shopper at the local mall felt the need
for a coffee break. She bought herself a little bag of
cookies and put them in her shopping bag. She then got in
line for coffee, found a place to sit at one of the
crowded tables, and then taking the lid off her coffee and
taking out a magazine she began to sip her coffee and
read. Across the table from her a man sat reading a
After a minute or two she reached out and took a cookie.
As she did, the man seated across the table reached out
and took one too. This put her off, but she did not say
A few moments later she took another cookie. Once again
the man did so too. Now she was getting a bit upset, but
still she did not say anything.
After having a couple of sips of coffee she once again
took another cookie. So did the man. She was really
upset by this - especially since now only one cookie was
left. Apparently the man also realized that only one
cookie was left. Before she could say anything he took
it, broke it in half, offered half to her, and proceeded
to eat the other half himself. Then he smiled at her and,
putting the paper under his arm, rose and walked off.
Was she steamed. Her coffee break ruined, already
thinking ahead of how she would tell this offense to her
family, she folded her magazine, opened her shopping bag,
and there discovered her own unopened bag of cookies.
I like that story - it makes me think about how well God treats
me even when I am not treating him well or thinking all that
kindly about him.
It also makes me think about how, sometimes, I do not really
appreciate what I have or act like I know where it has come from.
It serves as a kind of reminder to me - like that reminder in
today's old testament reading.
There, Moses, after telling the people of Israel how they will
prosper in the promised land that they are about to enter, how,
after so many years of slavery and then of wandering in the
wilderness, they will eat their fill, and have fine houses and
large herds, and that their silver and gold will multiply, says:
Do not say to yourself, "my power and the might of my own
hand have gotten me this wealth." But remember the Lord
you God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth,
so that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your
ancestors, and as he swearing to you today."
Chapter eight of Deuteronomy is really one of my favourite
chapters of the Old Testament.
It speaks so well of what we all know somewhere in our hearts,
but often seem to forget in our actions and our attitudes.
It speaks of how everything we have is a gift from God,
a git worked upon by our hands, most certainly;
a gift perhaps even enhanced by our own strength,
but a gift none-the -less,
for God gives us the hands we need,
and God gives us the strength we have.
Would that I would remember this at all times - it would make my
life so much easier, and it would bless everyone around me, and
it would bless God..
Not so long ago famous people all over the world were polled by a
magazine which asked them the question - "if you could be granted
one wish that will come true right now - what would that be?"
There were some very interesting responses - but one response
impressed the magazine's editors so much that they commented on.
That response was this -
I wish that I could be given an even
greater ability to appreciate all
that I already have."
It is an interesting answer
an interesting thing to wish for.
What do you think would happen if each one of us suddenly became
a more thankful person? If all of us suddenly became a more
appreciative people?
I don't know what comes to your minds -
but I know for sure that when I was younger my mother would
have been really pleased;
and now that I am older - well I know that my wife would
be very happy
if I expressed my appreciation a little bit more than I already
do - I know that because she tells me so whenever I am apparently
forgetting who she is and what she does.
No one likes to be taken for granted - or to see someone that
they love taking things for granted.
All of us like to be appreciated,
all of us like to be thanked,
and all of us, I believe, like to see those we love
live thankful lives, appreciative lives,
so much so that we teach our children this virtue
- at our supper tables,
- during birthday parties,
- in the middle of visits from their grandparents,
- and just about anytime that they are receiving something
from someone or asking someone for something.
It is a great thing to teach our kids to say please and thank
you, it helps them out in this world,
and it is a great thing to be appreciated, to be thanked;
but as we think with holy and prayerful minds today -
as we thank God in our worship service for the harvest
we are all enjoying,
I ask you - as I ask myself - where is your sense of thankfulness
at? How complete is it? How deep does it run in your life?
I Thessalonians, chapter five, verse eighteen says
"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the
will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
and in Ephesians, chapter five, where Paul is telling
new Christians how they should live, it says:
"Give thanks to God the Father at all times and for
everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
The norm and the standard of the early church of the disciples
and the apostles was really incredible and it had incredible
results in the lives of those disciples and apostles, and in the
lives of all those around them.
They lived happy and triumphant lives,
they rejoiced even when they were being afflicted and persecuted,
and their fellowship continually grew until it reached the ends
of the earth.
Give thanks in all circumstances.
Give thanks for everything.
Give thanks at all times.
This is a step beyond remembering God and thanking God for all
the wealth that we enjoy in this our promised land.
This is a step beyond remembering God and obeying his commands
because he has given us fine houses and filled our bellies.
This is even a step beyond thanking God,
as the leper thanked God,
for healing him through Jesus of his disease.
This is what Charlene called at recent workshop - "thanks -
living" - and it is demanding - and it is rewarding.
I say it is demanding - because quite frankly when I am feeling
pressed to wall I find it difficult to fulfil the word that says:
"Do not worry about anything, but in everything by
prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your
requests be made known to God."
And when I am feeling struck down by some affliction
or angry at my children for doing something that seems to me to
be thoughtless;
or upset at my dog for his having escaped out the door in the
morning and run off to the school;
I have difficulty feeling grateful to God for the circumstances I
am in.
Instead of wanting to praise God - or to pray to him about the
situation with thanksgiving,
- I want to feel sorry for myself and the trouble I am in -
- I want to yell at the kids for being whatever kids are when
they are thoughtless
- and I want to throttle the dog, because I know darn well
that when Laddie escapes and runs off to school he is not
going to come back home any smarter than he was before.
How about you?
Do you have a faith that is thankful in everything?
It's something to think about
especially it is something to think about when you consider the
power of thanksgiving
and of how not only are we blessed or rewarded for it,
but so is God and all those around us.
Raising foster kids has provided some interesting experiences in
this regard -
many of the kids that have come to us are desperate for some kind
of affirmation and love -
they feel lost and alone and attempt to please us as a way of
securing their place in our midst.
It is beautiful to watch the transformation that comes over their
faces when we thank them for something as simple as clearing the
dishes or when we praise them for something as normal as being
kind to the neighbours' children.
They beam, they radiate, they light up the room - and we
- who may have simply praised them because it is the smart
thing to do, or thanked them because it is the right thing to
suddenly feel one hundred percent better than we did before,
better about them,
better about ourselves,
and better about the world in general.
Giving thanks blesses the person who is thanked and it transforms
the person who gives thanks.
It works the same way everywhere, with everyone, even with God --
when we remember..
When we forget - hard things get harder.
When we allow the situation we are in to swallow us up and to
swallow all thought of God's power and goodness up;
When we begin to think we have earned and deserve all the
good things we have,
and when we forget that God is able to help us in the
midst of all the bad things that occur,
well - life becomes bleaker,
and true virtue becomes harder to find.
God wants us to celebrate his love. God wants us to give thanks
in everything.
God doesn't want this because he is greedy for praise,
the Lord doesn't want it so that he will feel better about
he wants it because it will bless us
and because it will bless the world he has made.
He wants us to remember what He has done
- so that we will not be afraid when we are in need of help,
and so that we will not grow arrogant or rude when we are
He wants us to remember and give thanks to him, and to those
around us
- so that our lives will be full of light and hope
and so our actions full of tenderness and love.
As the psalmist declares - "It is good to give thanks to the
LORD, to sing praises to his name"
Praise be unto God and thanksgiving for his many blessings -
copyright - Rev. Richard J. Fairchild 1996 - 2005
please acknowledge the appropriate author if citing these sermons.
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
What will you do if your'e bored at work?
I am on nights tonight, este, it's now the morning, about 3:45AM pacific time, and I am at work. It's reasonably quiet, and I am getting bored. I could not resist looking at the clock and wish the hands would go faster. I have surfed the net for a while now, and started to daydream..... Nothing really on the web that interests me aside from tips on gardening and farming. Would you believe that I always wanted to be a farmer. I love tilling the soil and growing things. The place we have right now has a little garden and I have, because it's autum time, taken away the plants that are wilting and now starting to put on vegetables that will take the harshness of winter. It won't be long and we will be freezing here again, and that depresses me. My activity in the garden would be limited. Being in the garden rejuvenates me and I could just relax and let out the stress whenever. I seldom watch TV. So don't ask me about anything of news or latest gossip and soaps, I know nothing.
See..... I could tell you so much about what's goin' on my mind right now.... it's gardening, gardening, and gardening.... because I am bored stiff here at work, and wish it's daylight now so I could run home and put out my asparagus which I bought the other day. They're still in pots but I will be building a raised bed for them today so I could transplant them.... yipppeeee. I am looking forward to my day off now. I am pretty sure it would be worthwhile. I hope my Cocoa (my chocolate labrador) would not be so helpful and stop being nosey of what I am doing, otherwise, I probably mostly spend half the time scolding her to stop digging, too... huh, simple life.... simple joys, and simple dreams..... very much achievable and very rewarding.
See..... I could tell you so much about what's goin' on my mind right now.... it's gardening, gardening, and gardening.... because I am bored stiff here at work, and wish it's daylight now so I could run home and put out my asparagus which I bought the other day. They're still in pots but I will be building a raised bed for them today so I could transplant them.... yipppeeee. I am looking forward to my day off now. I am pretty sure it would be worthwhile. I hope my Cocoa (my chocolate labrador) would not be so helpful and stop being nosey of what I am doing, otherwise, I probably mostly spend half the time scolding her to stop digging, too... huh, simple life.... simple joys, and simple dreams..... very much achievable and very rewarding.
Some Annoying Things In Life
I ain't gonna rant, and I am not going to make it ponder to me today, but I am a little annoyed with something I just learned today. Someone, whom I am not very pleased with afterall the good things I have done to him, have the heart to slander me. I could not understand why some people are just so thick and proud, that after you have helped them, they would forget about you, and not only that, talked behind you of your flaws. Of course I am no perfect or never even became close to become one, but trust me, I am trying my very best and really hard to be kind and conscientious (that's a long word, I am not even sure of the spelling). So now, that person is trying to come back to me because they (him and his family) need a favor from me???!!!!! Thank you very much!!!!! I am a very kindhearted person, but only to those who know how to be grateful and keep the friendship between us, I maybe far or near. I don't expect people who I have helped to pay me back the same. I understand it if you can not reciprocate, but please if you have seen flaws and mistakes on myself, let me know about it directly if it really bother you, and don't talk to others about it and expect I would not know.
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
James' 10
It was my son's 10th birthday last Sunday 3rd October 2010, and I am working all day, so to make it up with the whole family, my husband and I planned to dine out after my work. So there we are, had a feast in one of my son's favorite resto. We are all filled to the brim. To be honest, I have been feeling guilty about a few of these things.
1. I am working on my son's birthday... how terrible is that? Well, he didn't mind at all. I am glad! He had his wish to have a new celphone, and there he have it.
2. We meant to have a little pancit and homecooked meals and celebrate at home, but we went out. Filipino tradition is that you have to have something like pancit (kind of chowmein - with long strings of noodles) to have longevity for the celebrant....that's just a belief passed by word of mouth.
3. I have pigged out again. I was trying to eat less due to health reasons. I am not getting any younger, and my metabolism is slowing down, I should really watch out what I am eating at what time of the day it is. Well, we finished eating at about nine p.m. and that time was supposed to be bedtime for me as I would need to wake up early the following day for another 12 hours day shift at the hospital. Can you imagine me going to bed with a really heavy stomach? Well, must tell you, it is not comfortable.
So now, I have a twelve year old teengirl, and a 10 year old boy. When we go out altogether, we're like hmmmmm.... still a young family, but closer to becoming just buddies, soon.... maybe in a couple of years, that's what we will be.
1. I am working on my son's birthday... how terrible is that? Well, he didn't mind at all. I am glad! He had his wish to have a new celphone, and there he have it.
2. We meant to have a little pancit and homecooked meals and celebrate at home, but we went out. Filipino tradition is that you have to have something like pancit (kind of chowmein - with long strings of noodles) to have longevity for the celebrant....that's just a belief passed by word of mouth.
3. I have pigged out again. I was trying to eat less due to health reasons. I am not getting any younger, and my metabolism is slowing down, I should really watch out what I am eating at what time of the day it is. Well, we finished eating at about nine p.m. and that time was supposed to be bedtime for me as I would need to wake up early the following day for another 12 hours day shift at the hospital. Can you imagine me going to bed with a really heavy stomach? Well, must tell you, it is not comfortable.
So now, I have a twelve year old teengirl, and a 10 year old boy. When we go out altogether, we're like hmmmmm.... still a young family, but closer to becoming just buddies, soon.... maybe in a couple of years, that's what we will be.
Saturday, 21 August 2010
We moved Again!
Since coming to Canada in November 2008, we have moved, not once, not twice, but five times in a span of barely 20 months!!!!! That's a lot of moving, packing, unpacking, changing of address and kid's schools. It's frustrating, but hopefully this time our stay would be a lot longer than the previous ones. With this though, a positive point is we get to add people to our friendslist.
Anyway, our neighborhood this time is great. We had a warm welcome from the neighbors. We received cards and specially baked cakes to make us comfortable. I have never experienced that kind of welcome before, until we move to our current place. It was such a comforting gesture. I am so overwhelmed.
Anyway, our neighborhood this time is great. We had a warm welcome from the neighbors. We received cards and specially baked cakes to make us comfortable. I have never experienced that kind of welcome before, until we move to our current place. It was such a comforting gesture. I am so overwhelmed.
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Why does the pain is so much when your loveone hurt you? Is it because they know how to access your heart?
Why do people think they can just tell you hurtful words even if they know it will cause you misery? Don't they think before they say anything?
Why someone could just easily pass on the blame on to anyone, without looking first at what they could do or haven't done?
I've been hurt, I've been miserable, I've been blamed, I've been told off
For what? I do not know. I can only do what I can. If anyone is not satisfied, I could not do more.
Do not compare me to anyone as I am not the same as they are
Do not expect me to become like them for I will never be
I use to tell myself I will someday be one
And I would do whatever it takes,
Only to realize right now,
I have no one but myself
And today, I promised me.... I will let no one HURT me no more!
Why do people think they can just tell you hurtful words even if they know it will cause you misery? Don't they think before they say anything?
Why someone could just easily pass on the blame on to anyone, without looking first at what they could do or haven't done?
I've been hurt, I've been miserable, I've been blamed, I've been told off
For what? I do not know. I can only do what I can. If anyone is not satisfied, I could not do more.
Do not compare me to anyone as I am not the same as they are
Do not expect me to become like them for I will never be
I use to tell myself I will someday be one
And I would do whatever it takes,
Only to realize right now,
I have no one but myself
And today, I promised me.... I will let no one HURT me no more!
Sunday, 17 January 2010
What I have lost last Year, I gained all back this Year
What a shame. Last year I tried my very best to loose some weight for which I was successful. I trimmed down a bit and was proud of myself. But December time came. We went through some stress and I have to help myself to get over it. And of course, I indulged with food. Today, I weighed myself on the scales, and presto, there it was, bang right to my eye. I am back to my previous weight! Oh well, it's only the start of the year, I have plenty of time to loose again.
Saturday, 16 January 2010
Gathering the Pieces Part 2
Finally, I have gathered the strenght to face it all.... the forms filling, passports' applications sent, and spoke to the case personnel about our permanent residency status. Told them that we lost our documents that we used to enter Canada. Well, they are able so helpful, I could not fault them. There will be a bit of delay in processing our status here in Canada, but for me it doesn't matter. Our work permits and study permits of the kids will cover us for another 2 years, and for sure that is plenty of time for us to recover what we have lost. By God's grace, we have never felt this relieved for the last four weeks, thinking of what will happen to us now, what if?????, etc.....
And my job? it's even better. There's a lot of opportunities, financial, educational, morale, and more, but of course, that isn't my top priority right now. My family and I have decided to listen more to ourselves, spend more time to bond, and just enjoy while we live.
And my job? it's even better. There's a lot of opportunities, financial, educational, morale, and more, but of course, that isn't my top priority right now. My family and I have decided to listen more to ourselves, spend more time to bond, and just enjoy while we live.
Saturday, 9 January 2010
Our very first picture of 2010

Here we are, on New Year's day, by the fire of our new place. When I saw this photo (of course, courtesy to my friend who took it) I suddenly felt, "huh, my kids are growing quick!" Jessica is only eleven (di pa siya dalaga) but look at her compared to me or her dad behind her, malapit na kaming abutan, ah. At di rin naman kami kaliitan, myself is just a little bit over 5'4" while Freddie is 5'5" pero sa lagay namin ngayon, mukhang lalagpasan pa kami nitong aming mga chikiting. Hindi ako nagrereklamo. In fact, natutuwa nga ako.
Friday, 8 January 2010
Gathering the Pieces Part 1

Today is nothing special, but I have decided to make it a start. As you may have known already, after the robbery and theft from our house on the second week of December 2009, we have moved to a new place. Together with that, we have to call our utility suppliers for change of address. Next is Christmas and New Year Celebration.
Fourth of January is the kids first 2010 schoolday, but because they have to change school too, I have to enroll them first to this new school, and guess what? because we have no passport, visa, or birth certificates (as all of our documents were also taken by the thieves), it became a little bit tricky. Well, we can do nothing but to tell them as much as we can truthfully and show them the police report. I am just glad we were understood, so the two kids were eventually enrolled and attended school the next day.
We also had an appointment with our bank yesterday to close all our existing accounts and create a whole new profile with our history carried over to a new account. Credit history in Europe and North America is very, very important..... so you probably know what I am talking about. This process will take few days as we need to set up our actual ATM cards, order new set of cheques, forward copies of our new bank information to our payroll system and to companies where we have automatic debit/credit, etc.
So today, as it has been nearly over three weeks of frustration from hoping to get our documents back, or at least get a few, from the police ..... I made a decision to start wiping everything off and start afresh. Today, I am going to send our passport notice of cancellation to the nearest UK consular office, and guess what where it is? Well, it is in Washington state of the US which is just about 5 minutes drive from where we are living, but because we do not have passports at present, we can not cross the border. How inconvenient, isn't it? There is a British High Commission office in Vancouver, but they do not deal with passport, so we're here, stuck!
Anyway, I am hoping the passport issue should be quick, so we could get a new set of work and study visas here in Canada.
To be honest, without our documents right now, we can be anybody, really.... but most likely, Nobody!
Sunday, 3 January 2010
It's the 2nd Day of the Year
Yes, it's January 2, 2010..... and of course, although it is a day late, I still want to greet everyone a Blessed Happy & Prosperous New Year.
2009 for us here in Canada is slightly tragic, but I always look at them at the bright side. To start last year, our brand new car had a crash. Luckily, we were all safe. Though we felt that the VW Routan is a good addition to our family upon coming to this new country, it has unfortunately been crashed into by another big car around third week of January 2009. It went under a thorough repair and now it does not show any sign of what it has been through last year.
Then came December 9, 2009. We were broken into while we were all away, myself at work, kids at school, and my husband volunteered to drive my daughter and her friends to their skating trip. The burglars have taken absolutely everything, aside from our clothes, at broad daylight. We were all devastated. Imagine all our identifications, cards, passports, birth/marriage certificates, licences, etc. are all included in what they have taken on top of the gadgets and gizmos they could think of. I suppose some people are just so selfish. Merry Christmas to them. But that didn't put us off. If you remember I have booked a ticket for us all to go to the Grouse Mountain. Well, we did. And although we don't have cameras with us, we enjoyed the day and at least treated ourselves to a much deserved break.
Well, to start this year.... it's nice to announce that we have moved on.... yes, literally! We found a new house, of course with a garage to house the car..... and slowly gathering pieces we've lost. So glad to welcome this year with so much enthusiasm and hope. I believe it will be great for us, and praying it will be to others, too. Have a great year everyone!
2009 for us here in Canada is slightly tragic, but I always look at them at the bright side. To start last year, our brand new car had a crash. Luckily, we were all safe. Though we felt that the VW Routan is a good addition to our family upon coming to this new country, it has unfortunately been crashed into by another big car around third week of January 2009. It went under a thorough repair and now it does not show any sign of what it has been through last year.
Then came December 9, 2009. We were broken into while we were all away, myself at work, kids at school, and my husband volunteered to drive my daughter and her friends to their skating trip. The burglars have taken absolutely everything, aside from our clothes, at broad daylight. We were all devastated. Imagine all our identifications, cards, passports, birth/marriage certificates, licences, etc. are all included in what they have taken on top of the gadgets and gizmos they could think of. I suppose some people are just so selfish. Merry Christmas to them. But that didn't put us off. If you remember I have booked a ticket for us all to go to the Grouse Mountain. Well, we did. And although we don't have cameras with us, we enjoyed the day and at least treated ourselves to a much deserved break.
Well, to start this year.... it's nice to announce that we have moved on.... yes, literally! We found a new house, of course with a garage to house the car..... and slowly gathering pieces we've lost. So glad to welcome this year with so much enthusiasm and hope. I believe it will be great for us, and praying it will be to others, too. Have a great year everyone!
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